For more information about program language, terms, and abreviations, download the full program PDF.

Legs Push Pull

A 6 day/wk, 15+ week weight training program designed to primarily target hypertrophy through an alternating legs/push/pull setup.

Optional Modifications

Want more upper back work and less traps? Swap out the shrugs for AMRAP(+) sets of suspension rows and emphasize scapular retraction when you pull.

For dips, do them instead of the DB bench press every other month. Keep sets and reps the same. For more vertical pressing, swap out DB incline presses for KB/DB overhead presses.

Bulgarian split squats can be substituted for BB Reverse Lunges. Do not eliminate Reverse Lunges completely.

Arm work labels are intentionally nonspecific. Pick your favorite arm exercises and have fun.

To work in calf raises, combine them with hamstring curls as a two piece circuit, starting with hamstring curls. If you don’t have a dedicated hamstring curl machine, do Nordic curls on a GHD or with a partner.

A 45 degree hip extension or GHD can be substituted for Superman. Maintain the time per set.